Zero break: what is it, why is it happening and what types of protection exist

What is zero, phase and line voltage?

Power is supplied to the consumer via line cables. Zero conductor (neutral) is used in the power grid to return the current from the consumer back to the generating station. The neutral in the normal state acts as a protection and has no voltage.

From the generator station, electricity is transmitted to the consumer through a three-phase network. It consists of three conductors with operating voltage, as well as zero and grounding conductors. The pair of working conductors have 380 V between them, which is called linear. The working conductor and zero in the pair have a voltage of 220 V - phase.

With the help of zero, self-regulation of the load in the three-phase network also occurs. In case of uneven load at phases, excess current is reset to neutral and the system is automatically balanced.

What is the result of a zero wire break, what types of breaks exist?

If the zero conductor acts as a protection, why is its break dangerous? To answer this question, consider the break situation in three-phase and single-phase networks.

Zero break in three-phase network

In a single-phase network, a neutral break is dangerous to humans. This can be explained by the fact that a dangerous potential appears in the socket where zero was. This situation is especially dangerous in TN-C grounding systems, as a combined zero and grounding PEN conductor is used. 

Therefore, when the wire is broken, a potential dangerous to human life appears on the open non-insulated parts of the electrical appliance housing.

Zero wire break causes

The main reasons for the neutral break are the worn-out state of power grids and the unprofessionalism of some woe electricians, who allow the installation of wiring without adhering to the necessary rules. Don't trust non professionals!

How to identify a zero break?

In order to find a neutral break in the apartment, you need to examine all the connections in the switchboard. It is not difficult to see and fix such problem. Another thing if the wire burned out somewhere in the wall. Special testers must be used to find the damaged area under the finish.

If the zero wire burned out at the riser at the entrance, then this problem should be solved by electricians from a special service. The task of the owner of the apartment is to ensure the electrical safety of his own house.

What kind of zero break protection exists?

To protect people and equipment from the consequences of a zero break, it is necessary to use special protective devices on the input board: voltage relays, GFCI or differential breaker. A voltage relay will help protect the technician from voltage variations. GFCI and differential breaker will work when a current leak occurs, which will protect a person from a dangerous current rush. DS Electronics company is the manufacturer of ZUBR voltage relays, which will help to protect against the consequences of not only a zero break, but also other emergency situations in the power grids.

A wide assortment of available relays allows you to choose a device with a working current from 16 to 63 A, with a power of up to 13900 VA. For easy installation, the devices are made in different forms: on DIN-rail or for installation directly into the socket.

In any model there is a function of on-delay after actuation, which helps to protect the technician from repeated voltage surges. Using the True RMS algorithm provides greater measurement accuracy.

Also, the high fire safety of ZUBR relay should be noted. All devices are made of polycarbonate, which does not support combustion. Most devices have additional thermal protection, which will turn off power in case of heating of the relay above the set temperature indicators. After cooling, the device will turn on again.This will save house from possible fire.

In production of ZUBR relays, components of manufacturers such as EPCOS, Samsung, HTC, etc. are used. This ensures high reliability and durability of the devices. DS Electronics company provides a 5-year warranty for ZUBR relays.


Breaking zero is a serious emergency situation, which can lead to a number of negative consequences, both for technology and for the person himself. Installing a voltage relay in automatic mode will turn off power in the event of an accident, which will help to preserve the equipment and avoid fire during overvoltage. Completed with other security devices, this device will help ensure maximum protection of your home from various emergency situations in the electrical network.